Missions supported by Wymondham Baptist Church

We are a small church but we are very active in our local community and the wider world working alongside others and running our own projects in order to express the love of God in practical ways.
Please look around our website or contact the office to find out when we will resuming our usual activities.

Things going on in our building:
Roots Community Café: Our café is run by volunteers from WBC who have a real desire to serve others and offers a safe, accessible and loving environment for people to connect with others.
 Contact: office@wymondhambaptistchurch.org
Café Church: A new initiative, Café Church started in 2019 and takes place once a month on a Sunday morning. Involving lots of food, laughter and fun, this a time when anyone is welcome to come and find out more about God’s love in a relaxed atmosphere with the whole family. 
Contact: office@wymondhambaptistchurch.org
The Youth Group: We host a fortnightly youth group on Friday evenings from 6.30 – 8pm for school years 4 and up. It is a time for the children to have fun whilst learning more about Jesus. This is available to all.
Contact: office@wymondhambaptistchurch.org

Things we support in our local community:
Windmill House: We work with Windmill House, The Methodist Church and United Reformed Church to provide a short time of worship once a month for the residents, their families and members of staff
Food Bank: The foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust. The Rotary Club have responsibility for Wymondham foodbank as a collection and distribution centre. Teams of volunteers from churches in Wymondham are available every Monday and Friday morning here at WBC.
Contact: www.trusselltrust.org
Town Team Events: We love to share in the Wymondham’s community events and have been involved in Vintage Day, Town Picnic and Christmas activities.
Contact: www.wymondhamtownteam.org
Things we support in the wider world:
Tools with a Mission: This is a Christian charity that collects unwanted usable tools, refurbishes them, sorts them into trade tool kits and sends them to the developing world for livelihood creation. We arrange a tool collection every year from WBC.
Contact: www.twam.uk
The Falconer Trust: The Falconer Trust supports the work of Lilias Falconer and the Children’s home that she started in 1949 in Kabulamema, Northern Rhodesia, now Zambia. The trust has a warehouse and office in Norfolk, from where all the donated goods are stored and dispatched. Neil Starling, a member of WBC, is the Manager of the Falconer Trust, dealing with the day-to-day running of the charity.
Contact: mail@thefalconertrust.co.uk
The Baptist Missionary Society: We support Megan and Alan, missionaries from the BMS who have been living and working in Nepal in the Health and Development sectors.
Contact: www.bmsworldmission.org
Samaritan’s Purse: We support the charity’s Operation Christmas Child by filling shoeboxes with gifts to provide God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world.
 Contact: www.samaritans-purse.org.uk
Rachel Spencer: We support Rachel in her work for Greater Europe Mission. She is currently based in Paris and working in a predominantly Muslim part of the city.
 Contact: www.gemission.org

Nicki Waterworth, 13/02/2021