There and Then - Here and Now

Picture for 28.8.2022

 In the Thought for the Week a few weeks ago, we talked about time and how we use it. The Book of Esther in the Old Testament has an interesting verse in it and in Chapter 4, verse 14, part of the verse says, “And who knows but that you have come for such a time as this.”
Summer time and holidays can give us the opportunity to reflect and evaluate our lives and our daily walk with God. Take time to speak and listen to God, talk to Him about where and how you may be able to serve Him. You are unique and have your God given talents and gifts to use.
Maybe, just maybe, in this holiday time, God is speaking to you; give Him the time and space in your life to receive what He wants you to hear. He may be preparing you for service that you can’t even imagine, the power of His Holy Spirit knows no bounds in your life. Is your mind and life open, even in the next few days, weeks and months, to be ready to hear His call?
Because of Queen Esther’s courageous act, a whole nation was saved. Seeing her God given opportunity, she seized it! Her life made a difference. Read the short Book of Esther and watch for God at work in your life. Perhaps He has prepared you to act in “such a time as this”!

Vic,Ray,Cathy,Mary, 28/08/2022