Locked Out!!

Picture for Locked Out

 We have probably all been there.  Cathy got locked out of the Church office this week.  She had managed to get in ok first thing in the morning, switched the lights and heating and everything on, went out of the office to check on something only to find when she came back a few minutes later that the door had closed and the lock was jammed and she couldn’t get back in!!
It’s very frustrating when you can see through the window to everything on the other side, but you just can’t get there.  Eventually however we did get in the office after the lock was taken off and repaired with new handles.
How many times have felt you like this?  Maybe you are feeling a bit this way now.  You can see through the window, you know what’s on the other side, but our spiritual door is jammed and you just can’t seem to unlock it and get inside where you want to be.
If we are honest, we have all felt like this from time to time.  For some it’s only momentary for others it’s much longer and no matter how much we try nothing seems to work and we are left outside.
John 8 verse 36 reads ‘So if the son sets you free you will be free indeed’, or as another translation puts it  ‘you are free unquestionably’.
So wherever we find ourselves today, think upon these words and accept them by faith, remind ourselves that no matter where we are or how we are feeling  we have unquestionably (without doubt) been set free and that our Father wants us to experience and enjoy all he has prepared for us. Now thank him.

Vic, Mary, Ray, Cathy, 23/01/2022